Is it possible to reverse food allergies? In this last segment, I continue our family’s journey to heal our children.
Thanks for sticking with me on this. You learned all about our struggles in Part I. In Part II you learned how we stumbled onto two key professionals that have helped us finally start the path towards healing, and we also talked about the major key we had been missing all along: the biofilm.
Today I get to share some more of our discoveries, as well as our progress. Both my food allergic son and ADD daughter have made huge, HUGE strides. The first REAL progress ever! And it has completely changed our lives.
After discovering the biofilm with Dr. Kevin @ NW Vitality (2017 update, When NW Vitality closed in the end of 2015, one the practitioners started her own business, and we have used her and the same methods to keep ourselves aligned: Cascade Nutritional Therapy and Amber are just as awesome!) , we diligently applied the biofilm breaker essential oil drops daily on his feet for several weeks. We still were not seeing huge improvements…but I knew to be patient. A system so troubled was bound to take some time to unwind and start healing. And all we were really doing is exposing the little buggers….breaking down their force field!
On our next visit, we found the sneaky pathogen: a low-grade, chronic virus that had been overwhelming his system for who knows how long?
It probably was not the starting point for my son, but it was where we were at today. And WE COULD DO something about it! We added some specific probiotics geared at getting rid of bad bugs (saccharomyces boulardii). But we were also able to identify some of the foods that were still causing him some grief and started doing some homeopathic desensitization drops and BAX treaments to combat those (along with some environmental allergens—-pollen here in the Portland-Metro area is the worst in the nation this time of the year!)
Now we really started see improvements. …..we were ready to start challenging foods that had always been off limits: eggs, seeds, berries, nuts, dairy (among other things!).
Over the last 2 months we have successfully introduced: eggs, berries, seeds, dairy, and nuts!
I am still having a hard time believing that we are actually able to FEED him some of these foods with no deterioration or symptoms!
We are fine tuning…bringing in loads of food from home to test through the NRT. There are brand issues…he is still sensitive to organic vs non organic items made with produce from the dirty dozen list. Some sunflower seed butter/seeds OK, others not. I would imagine as we continue along, these will morph and change as his body changes and heals. I imagine things will continue to pop up, but now we can deal with them! We can fine tune. I would imagine over time with his major triggers out of the way, as his body catches up…he will become less and less sensitive. Our bubble boy will finally be free!
For the first time…my son’s body is starting to win the race. We have cleared enough of the underlying things/obstacles that his system can start to react normally to foods. We are calming the inflammation. He is healing!!!
We have almost tripled the foods he willingly eats now too…all these options are GREATLY helping us work with him on getting over his fear of food.
And what about my daughter and her ADD?
Well for some time, I have operated under the the thinking that my son and daughter had the same underlying issue…but it manifested physically in my son, and neurologically for my daughter. So my daughter has been to almost as many of the same doctors and specialists as my son.
She has regular check-ins like my son with Dr Tiffany @ Bridge to Health Chiropractic, but she is usually in alignment now (in the beginning, there were several adjustments to be made). So strong mind-body connection—CHECK.
We had her on regular supplements of B-Vitamin Complex, fish oils, and probiotics…and we had for some time. CHECK.
We also started her with Molly @ Homeopathic Solutions. It was pretty incredible seeing how the right remedy for her would change her in the few days post consumption. But again, this required patience, and dosage experimentation.
When we took her in NW Vitality….her issues were pretty straight forward: 4 food sensitivities. Gluten, dairy, additives, and all sugars. We had taken gluten out of her diet years ago, and I wrote all about our experience with gluten and ADD here. It definitely helped.
But it was not enough.
ADD Struggles
She was still continuing to struggle emotionally and socially. And by 4th grade, school was suddenly becoming more problematic too. And at home….WE WERE EXHAUSTED. Parenting a child with any sort of ADD/ADHD or spectrum disorder is NOT easy. There is almost never an easy button. Instead of a few conflicts to deal with throughout the day…It. Was. Constant. in our house. She was rigid and unwilling to give even a small bit in almost any social situation. It was her way or nothing. And heaven forbid if someone didn’t agree with her…meltdown city. Her antics could drive the energy in our entire household…everybody on a knife’s edge, hanging on, and HOPING for a smoother day. Everyone angry, everyone tired, everyone irritated…..and parents completely out of patience. Not a fun way to live day after day…and emotionally SO damn tiring. We wanted to ENJOY our kids, have FUN with them….not feel like we had to keep them doing at all times in an effort to prevent the constant fighting.
We even tried medication for the first time this year. But but both experiments resulted in a super depressed child when the meds wore off…and her teacher did not notice any improvement in focus in school either.
New Steps
In March, we started a program, H.E.L.P. to help her strengthen the few brain processes in her brain that were weak: concentration and auditory abstraction. Like performing at 3-4 year old level low. All her other processes were very high…either on target for her age, or well above…some even at the college level. We are seeing some exciting improvements with this…but we are still in the early stages of the program and our new summer schedule has us moving through the assignments slower. We are hopeful for the end game.
We also started her on homeopathic desensitization drops, BAX treatments, saccharomyces boulardii, and digestive supplements. Suddenly, her long term red, bumpy chicken skin (or keratosis pilaris) is disappearing from her arms.
Using the NRT, we found that she also had a serotonin and dopamine deficiency effecting her frontal lobe (the area responsible for emotional and impulse control). So we started heavily supplementing in her homeopathic drops for this as well.
New Results
The results so far have been life changing for our family. Suddenly…days are running MUCH smoother.
Instead of an horrendous, stressed-out first week of summer with all three kids home all the time…WE HAD FUN TOGETHER. Our daughter is MUCH calmer, even other people are noticing a difference in her. She is going with the flow more, she is COMPROMISING more often. And I am actually having FUN with her…really ENJOYING her and her bubbly personality. I don’t feel so completely tapped out anymore…I am more the mommy I WANT to be with her AND her siblings.
Her journey is still young…but we are seeing SO much improvement! We have hope.
A Journey Just Beginning
So here we are. Our progress in a nutshell. And I am floating on a cloud, floating on happiness for our children and what these changes mean to their lives.
I am so grateful we had FAITH to continue on this long journey. I know we are not through it, that it is just beginning. But it feels like we are on the right path for the very first time for both of our kids.
I shared these posts to offer hope to others walking our same path. Don’t give up. And don’t ever ignore your instincts OR your gut (ha ha! like that pun??). It can get better.
Any of the links in my posts may be affiliate links. If you click on them and make a purchase, I might make a commission. Your support is much appreciated and pays for the cost of running this free resource!
Wow! What a long journey that was. Your son is so lucky that you kept trying to find the root of the problem rather than just cover it up with creams and whatnot. 🙂 It must have been such a relief to finally find the solution. And that’s great about your daughter, too! I hope they’re both doing better these days.
These three posts were super helpful. They gave me hope and some new stuff to look into. This biofilm thing is new to me. Thanks again!
Thank you so much for sharing your journey!! I’m going through some of these things and finding your posts have encouraged me so much!!!
There IS hope Anna! I am here to listen if you ever need an understanding ear!
Tessa! OMG- your kiddos are SOO big. Four years later! Look at them. Beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. I have to tell you, I refer so many people to your post about diet and ADHD (when you did that experiment with your daughter a while back). I almost cried reading this post, because I know our struggle and journey with your children, and personally I know how amazing it is to heal and improve after such struggle. Tessa, I’ve said this before, YOU’RE AMAZING! An amazing mother, advocate, and warrior for your children. You have done so much for them and your family. I’m so SO happy that life is improving, your children are improving! So wonderful! Sending you such big hugs! xoxoxo –Amber
Wow, such an amazing story! Good job, momma! Your kids are blessed to have you. Thanks for sharing on the Homestead Blog Hop!
Thanks for sharing. I can relate to so many things. What oregano oil did you use? I am going to have to start looking into biofilm. Natalia has four (non-life threatening) allergies and 21 (and counting up it seems) sensitivities. I recently went from being able to eat eggs (I was off of them for a year for my nursing daughter) to last time I tried them it was kinda scary how strongly I reacted. Nuts made my ears itch – to reacting to using cashews for something I made for the kids. I feel like benedryl (which I hate to take) and I are inseparable right now. Then my youngest daughter has a pretty strong dairy reaction (not life threatening but will make her congested for a few weeks, I think it was the root cause of her being hospitalized at 4 months as they never figured out what was going on and she was so congested) and lesser egg and gluten ones. We are doing GAPS, just full now. The thought of intro scares me and my recipe developing helps cover the cost of our crazy food bill… Natalia does better on GAPS for the most part. Her behavior can get pretty crazy when she has something she wasn’t supposed to so that makes our day to day smoother but I am just ready to start going forward not backward! That was interesting to read about the organic vs. not organic. I had heard that a corn allergy can make organic necessary, but we don’t do that. She is hyper sensitive right now and some things we were able to ignore of late (citric acid in tomatoes for example) are causing issues again. Wow. Sorry for the novelette.
I am glad for the novelette Debra! Who else is going to understand so completely what you are going through?!
With my daughter….it was SO hard to pinpoint….so when ALL additives and ALL sugars popped up….it made a ton of sense…too many things to narrow it down and pinpoint on our own.
It sounds like you guys are all super sensitive too….I know how frustrating it is, and info not for an instant think we are smooth sailing from here on out….hang in there! I am here to listen if you need to vent!
Our food bill is nuts too! I wish I had more time to devote to the money making from this blog…
wow so interesting. We have intolerances too #freefromfriday and so I’m intrigued to hear your story!
So gad that you shared your’s and your family’s struggles! So many people have so many different struggles and they need to realize that they are not crazy. Their struggles are real and they just need to keep digging! Thank you for these posts and I hope that your family will continue to keep figuring things out!
What an encouraging testimony! I am so glad you found practitioners who could get to to root of your issues and treat them!
What a journey this has been for all of you. Hope that your experiences can help others traveling down similiar roads. I’ll be sharing this info. Good luck with continued success!
Thanks Nancy..that is my hope…to help others!! There is something to be gained by helping others!
Thank the LORD for all the good progress. I really can’t imagine what it has been like you all. I sure enjoyed reading this. PRAY it continues to improve.
ME TOO Charlotte! We’ll keep plugging away!
Tessa, I am so, so happy that you are seeing this success with yourself and your children and your family is so much better for it. It’s a very hard overall route to go down and it’s hard to know which path to take at times (as you’ve shown). So glad you’ve found your answers! Best wishes for continued huge successes!
Thank you for your support Shirley!!
Oh, Tessa! I am beyond elated for you and your family! Thank you so much for sharing your story, I know it will help many, many others!
That is my hope Sunny…to help even one other explore something they never thought of. To maybe show someone else that there IS something you can do! Thank you! I hope many get to read this!
Ya!! So happy to read this last installment!!
You are such a fabulous mom and your kids are so lucky you went to bat for them, and dug deep enough to help heal them! So many people would rather throw a pill at it illness these days. I commend you!! And am so glad their are moms like you in the world!
Thank you Andrea! I think there are LOTS of moms like me in the world…and this series just might give someone else another thing to look into that they had never thought of. We all want what is best for our kiddos!!